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Numeracy in the Arts

learning with numbers preschool and toddler numeracy in the arts

Mathematics plays a major role in a child’s development and in our Interactive Adventure Program, it is everywhere! Teaching numeracy through the arts is the perfect way to introduce children to the foundations of applying mathematic concepts in all areas of life.

We need numeracy and math skills to do everyday things like;

  • Solve Problems
  • Make Sense of information
  • Recognise Patterns
  • Make Choices


Here are some of our fun Numeracy activities that the children enjoy in our program;
  1. Measuring the different lengths of rope for the treehouse ladder,
  2. Filling the egg carton to take to the farmer’s market,
  3. Singing about the Australian animals drinking by the creek,
  4. Learning the rhythm on the beach buckets in Hawaii,
  5. Fixing the broken eggs
  6. Finding our way to Uluru on the grid map
  7. Identifying the different shells on the beach
  8. Counting the Autumn leaves the Igsy Bigsy spider is hiding under
  9. Helping the racing koalas to climb the trees
  10. Searching for the letter X and treasure
  11. Making a rainbow
  12. Sorting the animals into their paddocks
  13. Designing a floor pattern for the treehouse
  14. Sharing the bananas with our friends

Tag @cheekymonkeyclub and send us a message with a photo or video of them in action.

Where fun learning never stops!




About Us

An imaginative fun place where you can help your friends, experience new songs and stories, interact through performance, explore problem solving content and discover fun facts.

Our Purpose

Inspire teachers and guide parents to entertain and engage children with original fun learning content and ideas.

  • Encourage imagination
  • Move to rhythms & sing rhymes
  • Discover fun facts
  • Explore, sort & solve
  • Build confident & caring children